Do you have a friend or acquaintance who wants to buy or sell a home, needs a loan, needs any of the services provided by our network? If so, we will provide that friend with service that is not only professional and comprehensive, but affordable. And for simply having letting your friends know about us, we pay you…
$200 for any referred funded loan.
$200 for any referred closed real estate transaction.
$50 for any referred Auto Purchase
10% of any referred Court or Tax related services.
When do you get paid? Immediately. Within 24 hours of services being ordered, we mail you your check. Within 24 hours of the loan funding, we mail you your check. Within 24 hours of buying their auto, we mail you your check.
And, remember-- you’ve done your friends a favor. Because of you and others like you, we have no advertising expense, therefore, minimal overhead so we can afford to always provide the very best service at the very lowest cost.
It is our goal and commitment to be the #1 resource for
providing solutions to today’s societal issues. Issues of fundamental importance, such as achieving the
American Dream of home ownership, affordable transportation, Loans, Court
services ranging from, divorce and support to bankruptcy and taxes.
Furthermore, it is our goal to make these professional services affordable,
so that the average person is no longer denied access to their
court system, just because they can’t afford a
high priced attorney.
Massive national advertising campaigns increase costs,
which necessitate higher fees, which defeat the entire goal of affordable
services. The least
expensive and most effective way to reach the public is word of mouth.
For simply letting others know that all of our services are available to
them, we pay you, Not the mass media.
Are you going to get rich?
Probably not. This is by no
means a get rich quick scheme. But
what easier way to earn an extra $300, $500 or $1,000 per month—Doing nothing other than pointing
people in the right direction to accomplish their objectives?
And how to do it? Word
of mouth, emails, etc… but it can be as simple as this...
In your mail server there should be a function for preferences. In your preferences for automatic signature
just place something similar to the following…
Do you need—More Income? Real
Estate Services? A loan? Court
Services? Free legal advice or direction?
Click here
When your referral request any services, on
the order form or application, they simply put your email address as the
referrer and you get paid. What
could be easier?
So what now?
out the simple form below. Mailing
address so we know where to send your check and your most used Email address. This
will serve as your id for purposes of getting credit for your referrals.
Note: when you’re earnings have exceeded $400 we will be required to ask for your soc sec # for tax purposes.
we want to be your one stop solution source
We at The All Solutions Network have endeavored to assemble and then freely distribute the most valuable, up to date, information on the most pressing issues of today's society. This is-- and will continue to be an ongoing effort. We shall continue to research, to seek out, to find and then to freely offer to our visitors any and all information that we feel will be of value.
This site is constantly updated to ensure the most up to date, cutting edge information available.
Thank you for visiting
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Wills & Trusts | |||||
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