Click on the  to get the answer for each question

What is a Credit Bureau and how does it work?

How many Credit Bureaus are there?

  How many Credit Bureaus are important to my creditors?

  How long can Credit Bureaus report information about me?

  Do Credit Bureaus make mistakes?

  Why do Credit Bureaus tell me not to use a Credit Repair Company?

  How long would it take me to repair my own credit?

  How long would it take for a Credit Repair Company to repair my credit?

  Can I get credit cards while I am repairing my credit?

  What can I do if I have no credit at all (good or bad)? 

  How does a Credit Bureau make money?

  Why can't I get the Credit Bureaus to remove erroneous information?

  Who can see my credit report? 

  Why should I use a Credit Repair Company?

  What do I need to get started with a service your company offers?

What is a Credit Bureau and How does it work?

A Credit Bureau is a reporting system that has literally a library of
information about  you. The credit report records show information
about your debts, personal  identification, public records and any
other relevant credit data. There are no requirements for a creditor
to report information about you nor for a credit bureau to report in-
formation about you except, back child support payments.  All in-
formation that is reported is voluntary in all respect. Credit Bureaus
are not Governmental nor Congressional they are a for profit business.
They make millions of dollars simply reporting consumer credit


How many Credit Bureaus are there?

There are hundreds of credit bureaus that report credit for different
states.  Most are  sub-stations of the 3  Major  Credit  Bureaus:


How many Credit Bureaus are important to
my creditors or prospective creditors?

The 3 major Credit Bureaus are the most important as these
companies feed information to the smaller credit bureaus that
are located closest to you. When you ask for a copy of your credit
report it may come back with a name of a credit bureau you do not
recognize.  If you read the fine print it will tell you who they are
working with. When repairing a credit report, all 3 credit bureaus
have to be dealt with.  Each credit bureau is a third of your total credit history.


 How long can a Credit Bureau report
information about me?

The credit bureaus will report information about you for a period of
7 years.  For bankruptcy 10 years.   Some states  have  provisions
for paid liens and collections. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is reported for
7 years. Both are from the date of filing not the date of discharge!



Do Credit Bureaus make mistakes?

Yes, where  you  get  your  statistics  from  will have a lot to do with
what percent the credit bureaus make mistakes,
such as the following statistics:

1. Attorney General: New York State estimate is that
   1/3 of all reports have errors.
2. United States Congress has estimated errors exist
    in 1/2 of all reports.
3. Charles Given Organization conducted a study in
    which 90% of credit reports reviewed contained errors.
4. Consumers Union 48% of all credit reports contain
    inaccurate information.

In a credit system where even one minor mistake can cause you to be
denied credit the statistic show that the errors by credit bureaus are
alarmingly high.
We don't believe credit bureaus intentionally report
incorrect information, they are just reporting too much infor-
mation and there is always human error in any business. Our opinion
is that better precautions should be taken to provide error free credit


Why don't Credit Bureaus want me to
use a Credit Repair Company?

The only reason we can find is that they say you can do your own credit
repair.  You can!  And have every right to repair your own credit reports.
The Credit Repair Course that we offer is EXCELLENT for teaching you

to do it yourself... For many it is the way to go-- for others--? You can also 
represent yourself in court cases,  attempt to do your own  taxes, and 
even fly jet planes.  If you are not experience at  it you may not come out 
on top but you can do it.
Most individuals don't have the time and persistence mixed with
organizational skills to cut through all the red tape of
credit repair.  We simply have the ability and the experience to do the
work  for you. Credit repair is not an easy task you must know the laws
that have been enacted for you as a consumer and you  must  do every
thing  by the book. You must be careful not to get yourself in trouble
while trying to get out of trouble. Companies that sell do-it-yourself
repair kits and offer you no other choice or assistance are basically
telling  you... you are on your own. Many Individuals have started out
doing their own credit  repair and ended up using a full service company
after many months of work. There are also some negative connotations
about  credit  repair companies.  There are some shady ones out there,
but no more than any other type of business,  just make sure you choose
a credit repair company you trust.

A few bad companies should not restrict you right to assistance. Make
sure you choose a company wisely.  Make sure they do not charge you 

all the money upfront.  Make sure they do not want to change your 

identity or offer you a new social security number. Make sure you feel 

comfortable with your choice and above all if it sounds too good to be true,



How long will it take me to repair my own credit?

There is no approximates. You will have to familiarize yourself with the
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and understand what your rights are.
Learn how to format your letters to the credit bureaus and keep every-
thing organized. Guesstimating it would take anywhere from 6 months
to a year of dedicated work.   It will be a learn as you go situation when
you start from scratch.  Knowledge is the power with this work.


How long would it take for a Credit Repair
Company to repair my credit?

Again, the same answer, there is no approximates since every credit
report carries different information and circumstances.  Using a credit
repair service takes out the part where you have to learn all the laws
and formatting of letters, you don't have to organize anything nor
keep track of where you left off with the last dispute to each credit
bureau.  In other words it is hassle free with minimal involvement.
Sort of like not having to wash your dirty clothes!  Sometimes it can
even cost you less money since the work is done quickly and efficiently.
You know your abilities and if you wish to do it yourself, you can with
patience & time. Guesstimating we would say anywhere from 3 months
to 8 months depending on your particular problems.


Can I get credit cards while repairing my credit?

Yes, but you should only take advantage of the restoration programs
we give you until your credit report is back in shape. Inquiries are
considered negative credit data
, so each inquiry you have should show
a positive result  ie: Get  Approved! Know what the lending institutions
criteria is for lending money and see if you fit the guidelines, otherwise
don't apply, it just adds another inquiry to your report that gets you no
where. If you are working on your own credit repair, don't apply for
credit until you are completely finished. This is the safe way to go if
you are not sure when to start restoration of your credit.


What can I do if I have no credit at
all (good or bad)?

If you want to use your dime and call us or e-mail us we can give you
some very useful tips on how to get credit established and get your
own credit cards. This is free advise.
Note: If you already have credit or have negative credit
being reported these tips will not help your credit rating
and will not  repair your credit  these  tips
are meant to help those who have never had credit.


How does a Credit Bureau make money?

Credit bureaus make money by reporting credit. If you have bad credit
you make them even more money  simply  because you will apply for
credit about 10 times more than a person with good credit. Did you
know  that the credit bureaus can sell your name without your permission?
You  are the one who has to write and tell them not to sell your name!


Why can't I get the Credit Bureaus to remove 
erroneous information on my credit report?

The basic reason is because credit bureaus are there to report credit data,
not revise it.  It  takes  man  power  and  time  for a  credit bureau  to
verify negative disputed credit items.  They  make  money  by  reporting
your credit  not by trying to help you restore it.
This does not mean they
will not help you with your disputes, this means they are not going to just
jump right up and get you the results you want.


Who can see my credit report?

A prospective creditor, employer, government official, Insurance
companies, collectors, some one considering you for a license or other 
government related benefit,  anyone  wanting  information  for a
business transaction between you and them (i.e.) landlord. Basically,
anyone with a good reason to see your credit report.


Why should I use a Credit Repair Company?

Many individuals use credit repair companies because they have no time
to take on this time consuming job. Some because they just don't know
what their rights are and others because they have tried to do it alone
and could not get any results. If  you  fit  one  of  these  categories maybe
you do need assistance.  You have to make that decision and if you
choose to use our services, we will give you the best assistance possible.
If we can't do it neither can anyone else. You have nothing to loose and a
lot to gain. We have never made a credit report worse than it already was!


What do I need to do to get prices and
information on your services?

Just click here for PRICES for the course PRICES for prices for Services. or give us a call (916) 532-3795 and ask for Heather Castro.

You are never under any obligation with our services we are here only if you want us.
So contact us any way you feel comfortable.  Remember there are millions of 
people with credit problems just like yours and each  person has to make
the decision to do something about it. Reports show that over a million
individuals will file bankruptcy each and every year. This shows the debt 
problems in the U.S. 
Bankruptcy is not the end of the world, in fact most people, with the proper 
direction, can rebuild their credit status within a year of their bankruptcy discharge date.
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Facts you should know about Credit Bureaus